October 12 | 3:00 - 5:30 PM IST

Presented by

Unlisted Companies

Nominate Now

2022 Award Highlights


Award Categories


For Listed companies


For Unlisted Companies


ESG India Leadership Awards 2022

It aims to recognize sustainable Indian companies and celebrate their achievements in the ESG space.

In 2021, we set the foundation for best-in-class ESG performance by recognizing India Inc’s leaders out of the top 500 listed companies.

This year, we are taking it to the next level.



Listed Companies


Unlisted Companies

Award Objectives

Accentuate the adoption of ESG Risk Management Framework amongst the corporates

Recognising the initiatives/ progress of unlisted companies in their ESG Journey

Encourage companies to be more transparent and boost their ESG disclosures

Enable investors and lenders to make better-informed decisions